Solving People Problems When Switching to Electronic Records
One of the biggest obstacles to making a successful transition into electronic records management has nothing to do with digitization technology itself. It’s people. Whether you’re fighting to get staff to start handling records in [...]
What Do FADGI Quality Levels Mean for Federal Records Management?
FADGI – or the Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative – has some important implications for federal records management. Representing an effort by a group of federal agencies to simplify and standardize records management guidelines, FADGI [...]
The Differences Between Electronic Records Management, Data Management, and Information Governance
Many digitization projects suffer from a common point of confusion: that electronic-format records management, data management, and information governance are essentially the same thing, and any system or tool that solves one will solve all. [...]
How to Minimize the Burden of New ERM Investments on the IT Department
Making the shift to electronic records management (ERM) means investing in technology, which will necessarily involve the agency’s IT department. However, not all technology investments require the same level of IT involvement. In fact, technology [...]
Spotlight on Searchability: How Digitization Helps You Find Records Faster
Before converting to an Electronic Records Management (ERM) system, one government office administering a federal lending program had accumulated over 3,000 standard record center boxes of files on site. There were so many, they had [...]
How to Make an Electronic Records Management System Fit Seamlessly into User Workflows
The digitization of records management is a huge undertaking even for records management specialists; it can be even more challenging for end-users. How the organization fits a digital solution into the users’ daily workflows can [...]
6 Change Management Tactics to Ensure Success in Electronic Records Management
Resistance to change is a powerful human habit that can severely inhibit the adoption of new technologies and processes. In fact, federal agencies are running headlong into this challenge in their scramble to meet the [...]