Metadata Best Practices to Get Maximum Value with Minimum Labor
One of the key elements of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) emphasis on electronic records management is the collection and transmittal of appropriate metadata. Metadata refers to information about the information stored within [...]
How to Evaluate Electronic Records Management Systems in 2023
With NARA placing more emphasis than ever on electronic records management – and already beginning to eye the next set of target goals – many agencies are looking to make sure their existing or proposed [...]
What Comes After the December 31 Deadline?
The Office and Management and Budget (OMB) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) have been pursuing a years-long quest to get the federal government to transition into electronic records management, with significant deadlines [...]
How to Handle Records That Are Private, Confidential, Classified, and/or Top-Secret
Records management is challenging even with just the normal types of documents and records most organizations generate. Add in records that contain information that must be protected – because they contain protected personal information, trade [...]
Back to the Basics: 5 Things to Remember about NARA’s Dec. 31, 2022 Deadline
After a yearslong process of scrambling to meet a series of increasingly ambitious records management deadlines, federal agencies now find the next major deadline nearly here. It all started back in 2012 with OMB M-12-18, [...]
Defensible Destruction 102: How to Create a Defensible Process
Destroying records inappropriately can land any organization in hot water. For example, getting rid of a record that is subject to regulatory retention requirements or a legal hold can lead to serious consequences. That means [...]
What Causes Resistance to Electronic Records Management – and What to Do About It
Federal agencies have been ambitiously pursuing a digital agenda for several years now, working hard to meet federal mandates and modernize their records management to make greater use of digital technology. Along the way, they [...]