Understanding Where Cloud Solutions Fit in Federal Records Management
In the digital era, federal agencies are increasingly turning to cloud solutions for records management. This shift represents a significant departure from traditional, on-premises data storage, but it shouldn’t be surprising. “Cloud storage … can [...]
Making Use of Audit Trails in Government Records Management: The Importance of Tracking Records’ Histories
In the complex world of government records management, the ability to track who has accessed and what has happened to individual records is invaluable. An audit trail—a step-by-step record that chronicles the life cycle of [...]
Disaster-Proofing Your Records Management Programs
Disaster-proofing your records management program is critical to ensuring business continuity and records retention in the face of catastrophes and emergencies. Yet government agencies are typically unprepared in this area, with only ad hoc and [...]
How Organizations Undermine Themselves in Records Management
Sometimes, organizations are their own worst enemies when it comes to records management. We may want to blame overly complicated regulations (“it’s not our fault”) or underperforming employees (“it’s the workforce, not the organization!”), but [...]
What You Need to Know About NARA’s Guidance for Business Collaboration Tools and Social Media Platforms
In an age where information flows endlessly through a proliferating number of digital platforms and systems, records management in federal government agencies is growing increasingly complex. Records are no longer confined to traditional documents; they [...]
Missing Records: Why Do So Many Records End Up Missing, and What to Do About It?
Most people tend to think about records management as a boring, tedious task. Not so! When records management goes wrong and important records turn up missing, headline-worthy scandals can ensue. As USA Today reports, “Biden [...]
NARA’s Electronic Records Archives (ERA) 2.0 Update: A Primer
What Is Era 2.0? The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) had initiated efforts to modernize and upgrade its Electronic Records Archives (ERA) system to ERA 2.0. NARA uses ERA to preserve and manage U.S. [...]