How Has COVID-19 Affected Government Agencies’ Ability to Meet NARA’s 2022 Mandate?
Most U.S. federal agencies have now submitted their annual Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM) reports for 2020 to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). This year’s questionnaire included a new and [...]
How to Handle Staff Resistance to Changing Records Management Tools and Processes
The ongoing digitization effort throughout the U.S. government poses many challenges for government agencies and the organizations that work with them. These organizations must acquire the right tools, find enough budget to meet an unfunded [...]
Conquering the 3 Biggest Challenges in Government Digitization Projects
Digitizing is difficult even under the best circumstances. Federal records managers may be facing an even steeper challenge. They’re also having to comply with the aggressive schedule set by the U.S. National Archives and Records [...]
5 Tactics When the Records Management Work that Needs To Be Done Outstrips the Resources Available To Get It Done
“There never are enough resources,” says one federal records management specialist of the drive to convert to electronic records management. Federal agencies are under the gun: they are facing an ambitious (and unfunded) mandate to [...]
Top 5 Risks Related to Records Digitization and How to Mitigate Them
Failures related to records management can be very serious. When records are not managed properly, agencies and other organizations can fall out of compliance with federal or state laws, make themselves vulnerable to legal action [...]
Records Management and Social Media
Social media presents unique issues for federal records managers trying to figure out how to collect, manage, and preserve these digitally complex records. As far back as 2011, the government has been assessing how to [...]
Preserving Records from Encrypted Apps
Cyberattacks targeting the U.S. government are growing in frequency, sophistication, and severity. In 2020, for example, a massive attack successfully breached nine agencies and hundreds of private companies that work with governments around the world. [...]