It’s Not Too Late: 5 Ways You Can Get Help to Meet NARA’s Electronic Records Mandate
It's not too late for government agencies to still meet the electronic records management deadline set by the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), even if they’re a little behind schedule … with a [...]
5 Top Security Best Practices for Protecting Government Records
The security of government records and data has never been more important or more threatened than right now. Cybersecurity attacks at the end of 2020 – when a foreign government used compromised cybersecurity software to [...]
Why Should Federal Agencies Notify NARA About “Unauthorized Disposition” in Government Records?
Under federal law, federal agencies must “notify [the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)] of any actual, impending, or threatened unlawful removal, defacing, alteration, corruption, deletion, erasure, or other destruction of records in the [...]
The Benefits of Digital Records Management by the Numbers
Is electronic records management worth the effort? Advocates argue that digital records make electronics records management faster and most cost-efficient while facilitating increased productivity. But are those claims smoke-and-mirrors, or are they grounded in evidence [...]
How “Outdated Technology” Hampers Records Management
Electronic records management can undeniably generate huge benefits for organizations. They make it easier to find records, improve productivity by as much as 30%, and yield cost savings by managing information “as an asset, rather [...]
2020 Senior Agency Officials for Records Management Reports: Where Do U.S. Agencies Stand in Transitioning to Electronic Records Management?
The reports are in! Records management officials at federal agencies throughout the U.S. government have submitted their annual Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM) reports to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). [...]
A Breakdown of the Costs of Analog Vs. Electronic Records Management
Is electronic records management truly more cost-effective than its analog alternatives? That’s an argument we’ve made before, and it’s one that’s substantial enough that it’s worth unpacking further. A white paper from the Federal Records [...]